Friday, May 22, 2020

Week 4 --Friday, May 22--Final project!

Holocaust Research Project

All of the topics that were submitted yesterday look fine, so you can start working on them. Also, if you start researching and decide you want to do something else, just send me a chat message and let me know what you are thinking.

What will you do?
 Research, read, look up videos—in other words, become an expert on the topic you choose.
Design a PowerPoint or Prezi. It should contain bulleted information that you expand upon with additional notes, graphics, video clips, etc. Here are the slides you need in it:

What needs to be on the slides? (They can be in this order or you can mix them up after #1).

1.Name slide with your name, topic name, and image of topic.
2. Map of where topic took place/was set/happened or where the person was most known.
3. Background slides (x 2) telling us 5-6 things we should know about the topic with images.
4. Video slide linked to topic (keep it short…3-5 min. or so)- Put a note on this slide that tells me why you picked the video that you did.
5. Surprising facts slide – what are 2-3 facts that you found regarding this topic that were shocking or surprising?
6. "Your Choice" slide - pick anything else you want us to know about your topic.
7. Concluding slide – what are 2 lessons we should learn or take away from this info?

When is it due?
It is due Wednesday, May 27 in Teams Assignments. This is your last assignment. Make sure that all your slides have images and that the grammar is correct on them. The rubric for this assignment is in Teams. It is worth 30pts.

I will post a finished one linked to the Teams assignment so you can see what a good one looks like!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. C

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Week 4--Thursday, May 21--Final Project List

Hello! I hope you learned a lot from reading Night and got a chance to finish the propaganda activity yesterday. Elie Weisel was such an amazing person who used his life to help others who were less fortunate. He truly is a hero in so many ways and his story shows us how quickly life can change, but also how strong people can be in the face of adversity.

The last item we usually do for the class is a short research project  on a topic from the holocaust that you are interested in. This is such a short class, but there are so many interesting facets to study. Can you take a look at the following list and let me know which one you'd like to research? You will just be making a PowerPoint about the topic that includes about 7 slides. Let me know which one you want today by filling in this FORM. It will be fine if people end up with the same topics. I will share the full assignment tomorrow!

Holocaust Research Topics

  1. Dr. Mengele - the Nazi who does the selections in the book
  2. Varian Fry - tried to save Jews
  3. Heinrich Himmler - worked closely with Hitler - what did he do?
  4. Oskar Schindler - tried to save Jews 
  5. The Nuremberg Trials- tells what happened to the Nazis who got caught after the war
  6. Eugenics-the science Nazis believed in like with blond hair and blue eyes.
  7. Kristallnacht- The night when Jewish business first got terribly attacked
  8. Hitler Comes to Power-How did this happen????
  9. Nazi Propaganda and Censorship - what is it and how did it work?
  10. Experiments on Twins by Mengele
  11. “The Final Solution” - what did this mean/entail?
  12. Life in the Ghettos- what was it like?
  13. Mobile Killing Squads—Einsatzgruppen
  14. T4 Program
  15. Death Marches
  16. Medical Experiments
  17. Voyage of the St. Louis
  18. Nazi Camp System
  19. Ghetto Uprisings- when/where did these happen?
  20. White Rose Resistance group
  21. Death Camp Uprising or Killing Center Revolts
  22. Le Chambon
  23. Danish Rescue
  24. Underground Rescue Organizations
  25. Liberation and Liberators- what did the Allies see when they freed the camps
  26. Displaced Persons Camp
  27. History of the Swastika
  28. Other Holocausts like Rwanda, Cambodia, the former Yugoslavia, and Darfur
  29. D.C. Holocaust Museum- explain what it's like
  30. The Nazi Gold Train
  31. If there is something else, you'd like to do, just let me know!
Thanks and have a great day!
Mrs. C

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Week 4 -- Wed. May 20--Propaganda video & assignment

One question that you may have at this point, is how did regular Germans go along with the horrible and crazy ideas of the Nazi party? How were entire populations of people convinced to hate the Jews or view Hitler as a good guy? How could the Germans see train after train coming into the massive camp of Auschwitz and accept what was going on? One reason comes down to propaganda like this in which Hitler is shown as a godlike savior to his people:

What is propaganda? It is defined as "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view."

It gets used all the time, and all countries use it to persuade their people to believe or act in a certain way, even now!

For example, here is another propaganda poster, but this one was meant to convince Americans that the Nazis and the Japanese were villainous enemies that could attack at any moment.

The messages in ads that people see every day have an enormous influence on beliefs. How else does behavior get influenced? Education. For today, I would like you to watch 2 cartoons that were made during the war. This Disney cartoon attempts to explain how Nazi's brainwashed people from the time they were young and in school. It is about 10 minutes. 

Next, watch this shorter cartoon based on the 3 little pigs. Remember that it is made by the Allies to convince people to act in a certain way. Guess who the Big Bad Wolf is!?

After you see the videos, complete this ASSIGNMENT to compare them. You can have until tomorrow to complete it if you need the time. After this, I will introduce your final project that you can work on starting Friday.

Thank you!
Have a good day!
Mrs. C

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Week 4 --Tuesday, May 19--Last day of Novel & quiz

Hello! I hope you were able to finish the book. It is a powerful story for sure and sad to think that a 15 year old boy had to go through all of this and figure out a way to move on afterwards. Something important that you might not know is that Elie had no intention of writing/telling his story, but after 10 years, he felt that he had survived for a reason and needed to honor the dead with the story.

For today, I have a quiz over Ch. 6- end of the novel for you. You may use the book if you need to! For the quiz, click HERE!

For tomorrow, we will be doing a little activity related to propaganda during the war and also picking topics to do a little research project on. It will be the last item you work on for this class.

Have a good day, and let me know if you have any issues!
Mrs. C

Monday, May 18, 2020

Week 4--Monday, May 18--Read Ch. 9 and do journal

Hello and happy Monday! Hope you had a good weekend!
Today, I'd like you to think about the importance of fathers and sons. 
Obviously, in the novel, there are several pairs of fathers and sons who try to stay together or aren't able to because of the dire circumstances. Think about Rabbi Eliahou whose son eventually tries to "lose" his father who is slowing down. Think about the father and son on the train who fought over the bread and died within minutes of each other. For Elie, his father becomes his reason for living as he says on p. 82, "My father's presence was the only thing that stopped me...(from sinking down on the edge of the road)".

Throughout the novel, one thread that has given Elie some hope and a desire to live is the close relationship he has to his father. They sacrifice a lot to stay together, and the irony is that they could have been saved if they'd only stayed at the hospital instead of having to go on that terrible death march. 
For today, please read the very end of the novel and view this brief STORY about a family who found out their father's terrible secret from the holocaust. After finishing them both, complete this 3 question REFLECTION.

Coming up this week is a final quiz on the novel and a short project. More to follow!
Thank you!
Mrs. C